Tuesday, December 9, 2008

DECK EXPERT SAYS ADIOS, we are signing off...

For the year anyway...

did you really think I was going away away? No, the Deck Expert is going on an adventure!

I'm calling it Deck Experts Big Adventure!

I'll be with my wife in Kenya and Tanzania on safari for 10 days, "shooting" the Big 5, Lion, Rhino, Elephant, Cheetah and Buffalo with our camera's! After safari, we'll then go to enjoying the incredible beaches of Zanzibar for 6 days, celebrating Christmas in a foreign land and enjoying an exotic destination that even the very word Zanzibar gets ones appetite whetted for such adventure and beauty.

If you care to, follow along on our adventure by clicking here to go to our website hosted by our tour company, GAP Adventures. They have an amazing assortment of tours, trips, adventures etc, for every taste and budget.

I'm hoping to avoid the use of any computers for 3 weeks...so if I post anything between now and January 3rd, you'll no my addiction to Blog is overwhelming! Even in "3rd world" nations, Internet cafes abound with Hi speed connections...so much for getting away from it all.

Wishing you and yours a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

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