Friday, April 25, 2014

Going Viral in The Decking Industry! Check Out, Where WICR's David Krubinski's secrets are spilled. has hit the web in a big way, debuting several weeks ago and rapidly turning into a viral sensation for folks in the decking industry.

The site parody's Wikileaks website while bringing a serious issue to light. The secrets of David Krubinski and his associates.

In the decking industry in California Arizona and Nevada, Krubinski is known as the former sales person for Mer-Kote Products and as the owner of Nevada Coating Systems, ICR Services and as a consultant. For years rumors have circulated but remained unsubstantiated. Well that isn't the case anymore, as many of those rumors have been laid bare...

At, you'll hear audio tape of David Krubinski, see documents and emails from him and read them and see what secrets he has been hiding...check it out today.

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