This post asks just who is David Krubinski? From time to time we get inquiries from interested parties asking...
so we'll try to answer that here. Krubinski seems to be a contractor, listed at CSLB's website as owner of ICR Services. But he's also owner of a manufacturer-Nevada Coating Services. He advertised and listed his services as a there's many questions and controversy swirling around.
As seen above, 760-898-5408 is listed as the phone number listed by CSLB for ICR Services in Palm Springs. So is David Krubinski a contractor?
As seen above, the CSLB license listing now lists David Mazor as the licensee. Krubinski applied to change his name on his license from Krubinski to Mazor.
One possible reason could be to avoid being found out to be both a contractor and a manufacturer...? Or there could be other reasons. We just don't know.
One possible reason could be to avoid being found out to be both a contractor and a manufacturer...? Or there could be other reasons. We just don't know.
As seen above, Krubinski is also licensed in Nevada, and changed his name from Krubinski to Mazor on the Nevada license. The internet is a wonderful tool...
As seen above, 760-898-5408 is also listed as the phone number for Nevada Coating Systems in Rancho Mirage on their website... So the question is is Krubinski a manufacturer?
As seen above, 760-898-5408 was listed as the phone number for David Krubinski's listing as a consultant at the Roof Consultants Institute
As seen above, Krubinski is listed as a consultant at Roof Consultants Institute, but used WICR's fax number to receive faxes about consulting work at a waterproofing company he used to own. See below, it appears he s still actively involved in running WICR.
The question is then is Krubinski as consultant?
Krubinski is no longer listed as a consultant at RCI, probably because of conflicts of interest in owning Nevada Coatings and ICR Services. When one joins RCI, one becomes a member under different classifications depending on what you do.
PROFESSIONAL - Professional members shall be those individuals who are practicing consultants, architects, or engineers. They shall not be employees or principals of
any business entities controlling or directing the application, manufacture, distribution, sales, or marketing of roofing, waterproofing, and/or exterior wall products and services, and shall have no conflict of interest as defined in Article 16 of the RCI bylaws.
RCI even has a legal statement that consultants now sign... see it here
Krubinski was listed a consultant, indicating to me that IMO he checked off Professional on his application, and signed his name attesting that he read agreed to and understood the bylaws. Now he is no longer a member of RCI from what I can see at the listings of consultants at RCI's website.
So the question arises...who exactly is David Krubinski? Or to rephrase that, who exactly is David Mazor? Or to rephrase the question again, who exactly is David Leon-Mazor Krubinski?
It's hard to know because Krubinski uses several aliases-David Krubinski, David Mazor and David Leon Krubinski are several.
Some history...Krubinski was a sales person for Mer-Kote, a waterproofing manufacturer in Torrance for a number of years until his departure around 2008. I have an email from him dating back to 2004 showing he was Mer-Kote's rep then, what I don't know is when Krubinski started at Mer-Kote.
We do know that Krubinski was a partner with Fred Wanke of Wanke Industrial Commercial & Residential (WICR) from 1997 to 2002 according to a FBN filing in Riverside County. WICR incorporated with the California Secretary of State in November 1997 and the FBN filing in Riverside County is dated 6/20/97.
The next question to logically ask is- was he the salesperson at Mer-Kote while an owner/partner at WICR? The time frames seem to suggest that he was. The Business name listing for WICR showing him as registrant of a general partnership with Fred Wanke between 1997 and 2002. He appears to have been an employee at Mer-Kote during some of that period.
In conversations with people close to Mer-Kote they said WICR was Mer-Kote's largest part owner of WICR, the next question I have is "was Krubinski selling to them as salesperson of Mer-Kote?"...that could be construed as a conflict of interest couldn't it? I mean he was an partner at WICR.
Other interesting details emerge too...ICR Services lists at their CSLB license listing that they have no employees. Yet Mark Marsch, another former owner at WICR Services (see listing below) has on his LinkedIn page that he is a principal with ICR Services. Question...Is Krubinski employing Marsch or is Marsch an independent contractor?
Krubinski and Marsch are or were owners/partners of a company called Waterproofing Superstore in Flower Mound Texas. The third person listed, Ben Qualls passed away a while ago.
Mark Marsch was also a part owner of WICR according to a screenshot of an old website of his from Paradigm Construction Services. See below. Marsch is now listed on the WICR organizational chart as a "consultant".
Project Manager ![]() Experience: Mark Marsch has over 14 years in waterproofing consulting and support services on multiple projects. These projects included the following responsibilities:
CTIOA,TCA,CTC, by Ceramic Tile Institute Certified UBC/ICC Building Inspector, License 5307171-10 ©2007 Paradigm Construction Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved ![]() |
It appears too that Krubinski is still actively involved with running daily operations within WICR. An email we received shows Krubinski, emailing from the email account, discussing WICR internal business issues and specifically mentions Fred (Wanke) as being the only person who can perform a certain task.
A copy of an email from email account shows Fred sending email to a "David" and a "Kelly Durham" regarding internal business issues. Based on the subject discussed, it leaves us with little doubt that the "David" is indeed Krubinski.
At this time these emails will remain unpublished, but are in files in the event we should need to produce them to defend ourselves. (In past emails, Krubinski has threatened to sue me, which I have dared him to do so we can subpoena all of his documents and now maybe even WICR's documents if he did sue me.)
Above is a copy of a WICR company organization chart. This chart appears to be a current flow chart and clearly shows Krubinski as owner, with Fred Wanke as President placed below Krubinski and Sean Krubinski reporting to Fred.
As seen above, the name "Dave" and his phone number appears at the bottom of the list just above Mark Marsch's name and number. The number listed is the same number for Nevada Coatings et al.
Krubisnki was the President of a Condo Association in Palm Springs in 2007. The association apparently had WICR do their deck work. How that came about I don't know, but as a candidate for the Board of Directors, Krubinski's candidate statement says he is the sales rep for Mer-Kote and if elected he would pledge to recuse himself if they had future dealings with Mer-Kote. But it doesn't appear that he disclosed any relationship with WICR. Was Krubinski the owner of WICR when WICR was working at the Association (Mesquite Country Club) while he was the Board President?
It appears that the ruse may be that Krubisnki acts as a independent consultant, and works with WICR on damage control on jobs. Here in the newsletter for Monarch Hills Condominium Association, under Presidents Report it states that the Board meet with David Krubinski, general contractor and "independent consultant" and Fred Wanke, owner of WICR. WICR painted the Association's Mer-Kote decks and the decks paint peeled and chipped.
Above- in a post on the Mesquite CC Official discussion group page, Krubinski reminds everyone that the Association is under contract until the decks are 10 years old and they must comply with the warranty requirements.
One of the things that Mer-Kote had was a 10 year "warranty" where if you paid the original applicator (In this case WICR) every 3 years to clean and reseal your decks, they would
"warranty" the decks for 10 years.
On a recent case I am involved with on a job in Morro Bay, Krubinski's Nevada Coating System product was put down on a job by a local contractor. The owner of the job complained about the job to Krubinski about the material and the mil thickness requirements. Krubinski's response was to refer the client to Mark Marsch as an independent consultant to inspect the job. I told the client about the relationship Mark an Dave have and showed the Waterproofing Superstore listing to him. He agreed that Krubinski's referral was self serving. I went even further and told Dave he's unethical. Dave's response was to tell me in his email that " to suggest your client use Mark was the best thing your client can hear from me or anyone in the waterproofing business.
Referring Mark Marsch to his job as a "consultant" was not at all ethical in my opinion. In fact it stinks of being self serving.
So to leave this post somewhere...there is something here that smells and so we are actively investigating Krubinski and the WICR connection. We are seeking information to fill in some gaps. Please contact us with any information, documents, pictures etc that may help us out. Please email or call me with any info.
As always, we recommend that you perform all due diligence (No pun intended.) in qualifying waterproofing companies, consultants and manufacturer's.
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