Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bill Leys Presents Seminar at JLC Live in Providence RI

The room filling up before the start. 

Our seminar is scheduled and ready to start!
Over 30 east coast contractors from New Jersey, Maine, Rhode Island, Massachusetts New Hampshire and New York filled the room at the Rhode Island Convention Center on Thursday March 20 to hear me present a 3 hour seminar on Best Construction Practices in Building and Waterproofing Decks.

Attendees learned about the various Division Seven Pedestrian Traffic Coatings available, their differences, pro's and con's and how to select the proper system for the job at hand.

The Powerpoint based seminar also reviewed construction methods for building a decks framing and substrates for tile and pedestrian coatings.

Several editors from Hanley Wood's JLC magazine also sat in on the presentation.

The presentation at JLC coincided nicely with the publication of the new issue of JLC, which featured our new article on deck drains and scuppers.

I received a nice round of applause  at the end of the session. I thank the attendees and JLC Live staff, especially Julie Clifford and Olivia Espinosa for having me at JLC in Providence! I hope to see you at JLC in Portland again next year.

Contact us for scheduling a seminar on building and waterproofing decks. Custom seminars based on the audience-architects, builders, homeowner association managers and more are available. Call Bill at 805-801-2380

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