Sunday, February 24, 2013

From Santa Clarita Signal -Vandals Who Put Paint in Pool Caused Over 300K in Damages

OUCH! How much damage can paint do? $300,000+ to pipes and boilers. 

Vandals who hopped a North Valencia HOA pool fence last summer and dumped seven gallons of paint into the pool and hot tub, causing more than $300,000 damage, are still at large.

A $5,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and/or conviction of the vandals who demolished the pool at Grandview Drive and Fairview Drive, remains unclaimed seven months after they ruined a summer for neighborhood kids wanting to swim.

The good news — the only good news, according to an HOA spokesman — is that the pool is now under renovation and is expected to be open by summer.

"It's frustrating," said Wolfgang Costello, president of the Northbridge Homeowners Association.

"There's been no arrest, no charge, nothing," he told The Signal on Monday.

"But, we'll be ready by summer."

Read the Rest at Santa Clarita Valley Signal's website

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