Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Regenesis Report (National Edition) December 2012

The Regenesis Report (National Edition) December 2012 is now available.  Go to thenSubscriber Login.


The Shakedown. Dealing with a disgruntled member.
Ask the HOA Expert. Another compelling series of Q&A.
Know an ARC? The essentials of an Architectural Review Committee.
Debogging.  How to correct drainage in turf areas.
Paradigm Shift. How a reserve study improves your life.
Fall Lawn Order.  Preparing your landscaping for the winter.
I Am A Corporal. A short lesson about being a servant leader.
Proclamation of Thanksgiving.  How it became a national holiday.
Forgive & Forget.  Seven ways to live in harmony.
Stain Removal Guide. Mud: Place large iron-on NASCAR patch over stain. Apply heat for 60 seconds. 

The Regenesis Report reaches over 10,000 homeowner association boards and managers nationwide each month.  
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Richard L. Thompson
The HOA Expert™

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