Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Construction Defect Suits in El Dorado County, CA Show Why Wind Load Calculations are Sooo Important

Wind ratings for building components are often forgotten about or not considered when building. I always discuss my products wind ratings compared to other products with lower ratings that the builder may be considering.

Often these lower wind rated products are CHEAPER too compared Desert Crete decking.

So here's a story from the Sacramento Business Journal about an increase in construction defect suits surrounding new homes...homes that apparently weren't built/designed with the Central Valleys high winds that funnel through...winds that are moving houses on their foundations, cracking stucco, windows etc.

Questions linger over the wind load needed for homes in the region

Sacramento Business Journal - by Michael Shaw Staff writer

Teresa Gallad knew there was something wrong with her newly built home in Cameron Park the first time she walked through.

Soon, there were cracks in the walls and leaky windows and her kids were getting respiratory infections.

Dave Crozier hasn’t been able to live in his water-logged and moldy El Dorado Hills home in more than two years.

Both are fighting their homebuilders in court, two of at least 29 homeowners in El Dorado County who have active lawsuits over alleged construction defects.

There have been a surprising number of construction-defect lawsuits, considering the county’s small size, laws that generally limit the ability for homeowners to sue their builders, and a near stop to new construction over the past few years. Some of the pricey homes built during the housing boom have started to show common problems: Leaky windows, gaps in doorways and cracked walls are among some of the more common complaints.

Click here to read the rest of the story. Just goes to show ya, do it right the first time elimnates problems. Design, construction materials, methods...don't shortcut and you'll save money in the long run...but that's just my opinion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great post. I was going to write something similar. Will check this blog more often I think.